How to return multiple values from a function in Swift

Tuples can be used to return multiple values from Swift functions. A tuple allows you to group together multiple values of different types which can then be returned from a function as a single entity.

Here is an example of a function which returns a String, an Int and a Double:

func returnMultipleValues() -> (String, Int, Double) {
    return ("Swift Tuple", 12, 3.14)

Here is how to access the individual values from a return tuple by using their respective indexes:

let result = returnMultipleValues()

let nameString = result.0
let intValue = result.1
let doubleValue = result.2

Instead of accessing tuple values by index, tuple elements can be named in function definition which greatly enhances code readability:

func returnMultipleValues() -> (name: String, count: Int) {
    return ("Simple Swift Guide", 51)

Accessing the individual tuple values becomes much cleaner:

let result = returnMultipleValues()

let name =
let count = result.count

Returning optionals

Entire tuple can be made an optional return value:

func returnMultipleValues() -> (name: String, count: Int)? {
    if condition {
        return nil
    return ("Simple Swift Guide", 51)

if let result = returnMultipleValues() {
    let name =
    let count = result.count

Each individual element of a tuple can be made optional. For example, a name element is made optional:

func returnMultipleValues() -> (name: String?, count: Int)

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